- Kampala

Young Leaders Forum VI 2017 Graduation.

“It wasn’t just about the facilitators imparting us with knowledge but rather the knowledge was generated therein. It was like a factory of ideas, ideas that will definitely change our country for the best.“ Isaac Kugonza YLF 2017

“It wasn’t just about the facilitators imparting us with knowledge but rather the knowledge was generated therein. It was like a factory of ideas, ideas that will definitely change our country for the best. “ Isaac Kugonza YLF 2017

On the 28thOctober 2017, Friedrich Ebert Stifung Uganda graduated its 6th Young Leaders Forum Class. The 26 participants successfully completed the 8 month long policy training. The training equips young politically interested and socially active Ugandans with knowledge and skills to boost their ability for civic engagement.

The Guest of Honour, Hon. Irene Ovonji the Executive Director of FIDA Uganda implored the young leaders to take responsibility for their lives and communities as well as never to shy away from leadership. She tasked them to always desire to learn for knowledge is power and leaders must be knowledgeable. She as well encouraged them to be gallant, sharing and creating opportunities for and with each other. With such an attitude no one in society gets left behind.

FES Uganda congratulates the 2017 Class of Young Leaders Forum for successfully completing the training and welcomes you to FES’ National and Global Alumni Network.

We wish you all the best in your endeavours. 

Uganda Office

5B, John Babiiha Avenue
P.O Box 3860
Kampala, Uganda

+256 (0)393 264565
+256 (0)757 345535

Email us: fes.uganda(at)fes.de