Dave Spooner and John Mark Mwanika

Trade Unions in Transformation

Transforming Transport Unions through Mass Organisation of Informal Workers in Uganda


The Amalgamated Transport & General Workers’ Union (ATGWU) pioneered a strategy

of organizing through the affiliation of mass membership associations of informal

minibus taxi workers and motor cycle (boda-boda) drivers.

Through the strategic use of their associational, structural, and societal power membership

of the union increased dramatically, police harassment declined, internal

conflict within the associations was reduced, and the conditions of informal women

transport workers improved.

Trade Unions in Transformation is an FES project that identifies unions’ power resources

and capabilities that contribute to successful trade union action. This study

features among two dozen case studies from around the world demonstrating how

unions have transformed to get stronger.

Trade unions in transformation

Spooner, Dave; Mwanika, John Mark

Trade unions in transformation

Transforming transport unions through mass organisation of informal workers in Uganda
Berlin, 2017

Download publication (310 KB, PDF-File)

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