Viktoria Walter and Albha Bowe

Practicing Gender; The Tool Book

What is the difference between integration of the gender

concept and women’s promotion?


Women’s promotion was done in order to achieve equal conditions for women. The concept refers to deficits of women in all spheres of life and aims to equip women with necessary capacity to cope with inequality.

Women’s promotion is done for women and with women. The gender concept acknowledges disparities between the sexes and regards women’s promotion as one element to reach equality between the sexes. It regards inequality as socially and historically constructed which affects both women and men in their lives and for which both have to take responsibility. It acknowledges differences between the sexes and involves working with both men and women to address gender inequality. 

The tool book

Walter, Viktoria; Bowe, Albha

The tool book

practising gender
Berlin;Bonn, 2009

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