
FES, GRA train communities on compulsory land acquisition processes

The key issues highlighted during these meetings included delayed approval of compensation rates by the CGV, under valuation of property especially crops, no land titles or agreements for PAPs, high expectations in terms of compensation.

From May to July 2019, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Partnership with Global Rights Alert held community trainings in 13 sub counties in the districts of Mubende, Kakumiro, Sembabule and Kyotera about compulsory land acquisition processes.  More than 700 people attended these training activities. The sessions involved district land officers, staff of Total E& P, New Plan and Infrastructure Construction Services (ICS) - the implementers of pipeline project. Participants were informed of the status of Oil developments in their respective communities specific to East African Crude Oil Pipeline Project and land officers trained them about securing their land rights amidst land acquisition processes.  The dispute resolution mechanisms under the Resettlement Action Plans were also discussed. Talking pictures developed by Avocats Sans Frontières-Ugandawere used in these sessions to illustrate the land acquisition process.


Key issues highlighted during these meetings included delayed approval of compensation rates by the CGV, under valuation of property especially crops, no land titles or agreements for PAPs, high expectations in terms of compensation.  Community members noted that various activities had been done but without meaningful community consultations. Some of the activities that have been done or ongoing comprised of; mapping of the pipeline route, Environmental &Social Impact Assessments, formation of Grievance Management committees & Resettlement committees. The communities were grateful for these training sessions organized by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and were appreciative of the cooperation of the Oil companies and the district land officers.

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P.O Box 3860
Kampala, Uganda

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